Monday, October 27, 2008

John 5:31-47 - Jesus' Sonship on Trial (Part 2) - October 26, 2008

As promised, I’ve included below the practical principles we concluded with in yesterday’s sermon. If you were not able to be with us, please take the time to listen to it so that you will see how we gleaned these principles from the bad example of the religious Jews in the passage. I believe it was a very important message for the life and health of our church.

You have missed Christ in your Bible study if…

1.) You fail to consider how every biblical passage, OT and NT alike, points to Christ and your salvation in Him. (cf. Luke 24:27; 1 Cor 2:2; Col 2:6-17)

2.) You turn biblical teaching into a religious code of conduct whereby you in some way contribute to your righteous standing with God, instead of clinging solely to Christ as your righteousness. (cf. Rom 3:23-34; 9:30-32; 2 Cor 5:21)

3.) You come away from your study weighed down by rules and regulations instead of experiencing a greater understanding of, and appreciation for, your freedom in Christ. (cf. Matt 11:28-30; Gal 5:1)

4.) You come away from your study puffed up by the facts you’ve learned instead of being humbled by your lack of understanding, love, and service of Christ. (cf. 1 Cor 8:1)

5.) You come away from your study with a judgmental attitude, using its teachings to condemn other people in your mind, rather than being humbled by your own sin and need of Christ’s forgiveness, and rather than desiring others to find forgiveness in Him as well. (cf. John 8:1-11; Luke 18:11-14)

Missing Christ in your Bible study reveals that you are reading through the lenses of pride rather than humility. You are guilty of the same approach to Scripture that the self-righteous, religious Jews took. On the other hand, a humble approach to Scripture always centers around the person and work of Jesus Christ!

A theologian by the name of J. Knox Chamblin has wisely said, “The Spirit does not take his pupils beyond the cross, but ever more deeply into it.” This is a true and powerful statement that relates to every aspect of our life, including our study of the Bible. All of its content is intended to drive us deeper in our love and gratitude for Him and His sacrifice. And from there we live out lives of humble obedience, displaying His redemption to the world around us.

If we fail to see this glorious reality, we have followed the example of the self-righteous, religious Jews, and we have missed God’s intent. So, let’s commit to the supremacy of Christ and His cross in every area of our life, including our study of God’s Word!

Have a blessed day delighting in the cross of Christ!

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